Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Laura Kennedy

The update on your 'whole new life' brought back memories of my own emigration, albeit a much shorter distance than yours. We moved from Toronto to Phoenix 33 years ago, and while it was difficult early on, it has been a really good home for us. My wish for you is to be as pleased with your new home as we have been with ours. I'm looking forward to reading your new book. All the best.

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Sep 6Liked by Laura Kennedy

A great read, as ever. As someone who emigrated to Australia and returned I recognised that shift towards becoming comfortable in the uncertain. I wonder if you also notice a peculiar feeling on your home trips, as though there was this tiny new gap between you and your loved ones?

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Oof there's definitely something in that Caroline. In one short question you've exposed such a vast and complicated phenomenon. It might need a whole column of its own!

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Would love to hear your thoughts on that!

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Sep 5Liked by Laura Kennedy

Welcome home Laura 🛩! Its great to hear your thoughts a year on. I am constantly toying with the idea of moving but get an eye twitch when I think of what would be involved in moving with kids. It is suffocatingly expensive here right now, especially for people living on the fringes of economic society (ie: the average self employed person chasing their freedom and dreams). I love the ambiguous rambles, nothing in life has any permanence no matter how much we might like to think it does... I try not to dwell on that because I have no god to fall back on for existential comfort 😂. Really looking forward to the book and more unanswerable questions to ponder 🙌 📖

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Thank you Orla!

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Sep 5Liked by Laura Kennedy

OH no, now I’m going to have to go and resubscribe! Great piece, you’ve me want to move to Australia. And from someone who emigrated to Germany 33 (!!) years ago, I can say it will never be perfect, but life rarely is.

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That’s a lovely smile in the photo tho I find myself wanting to see your teeth after Tooth&Nail…

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Laura Kennedy! You're absolutely a little Limerick legend (no intent with regard to your height, just liked the alliteration!). I was aware of you through your beauty journalism and really respected and valued your articles and recommendations. Then I joined Instagram (very late to that game) and discovered you there, which led me to your substack, around the same time you were emigrating. I love reading your updates, your essays, your thoughts on different topics. We are utterly different people with utterly different lives, but for a variety of reasons, some cultural, some familial, some migratory, I feel a kinship with you. I can't wait to receive my copy of your book and thank you for your entertaining and thought provoking emigration anniversary update! Enjoy the rest of the time in Limerick and on your promotion tour.

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Thank you Caitriona that’s incredibly kind. (Also thanks for the height sensitivity 😂)

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Ignorance was bliss before you pointed out the plane flatulence issue!

I enjoyed this essay very much. I wonder how our era of instant communications affects a change in location such as yours. From my distant vantage point I see advantages but perhaps the prevalence of on-line life makes it harder to integrate into a new community.

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Hi David, I read about the gaseous consequences of air travel before emigrating and can now think of little else when I’m on a plane. You’re right about modern emigration and technology. It allows the emigrant to maintain a link to their place of origin, which is lovely, but may also to some extent restrict full immersion in their new country, which is less so. It probably doesn’t help to have such a solitary job but it does rather help to be quite a solitary person - my appetite for socialising is likely far lower than the average person’s. So it all works out, if imperfectly!

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Sep 4Liked by Laura Kennedy

Guessing Sydney. Have a strong intuition 😉. Good luck with your book. Glad you look so well in the photo despite the trials of publishing! Obviously I have it ordered and the audiobook too. All the best, John.

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That’s so kind of you John thank you. I really appreciate the support!

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