Isnot this medium a subset of Phone? Which machine-phone-has the bias of communicating unintended barbs already, so that we require face time bona fide to quickly, in an hour with a relative and less w friends and all lingering doubts are erased? I find the I net requires a clean room, to decompress as if our ability to find coded messages in say an abandoned campsite means we usually find misapprehensions about how people are exceeding us in 1,2,3 meaning, beauty and irony. But if so, they wld not be writing there. Hygiene is the word, to me it says if I speak out in class online, then am available for 2 hours to clarify misunderstandings. Aspirationally yours, Nathanohio.

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Thank you for a clear exposition of how we mess up on social media. I don't always find bad faith so easy to spot. I also love the obiter dicta; Kant, the alpaca and that pithy expression from your aunt. Great stuff.

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Excellent. I’m considering starting up my long-dormant Substack again, and if I do, I will point to your column - especially today’s post. Well said.

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