19 hrs agoLiked by Laura Kennedy

Congratulations on the book, Laura! I just pre-ordered from a local bookstore and looking forward to it (a few weeks late to things as usual for me)

If you do do some Irish events would you consider doing some signings?

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I’m not sure yet what the schedule will be around the launch of the book but I’ll certainly update everyone once I know and it would be lovely to do some signings.

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Congrats Laura...always great to be able celebrate the success of others

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Jun 15Liked by Laura Kennedy

"To change direction, I would need to make frightening choices that would take me away from almost everything I had created for myself."

This sentence resonated. Sometimes starting over somewhere else, leaving behind the cold comfort of miserable familiarity, is the only thing to do. On a smaller scale, I did something similar last year, walking away from something I'd spent 20 years building because the current senior management where I worked weren't interested. I work somewhere better now. It's not as high profile, but it connects better with who I am and provides a connection with a real community of people.

All power to you, Laura. I'm looking forward to reading the new book.

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Thank you Jan!

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Congrats on completing the book. Very interesting topic. Identity. 👍👍👍 All the best for the next one

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Thanks aashik!

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CONGRATULATIONS! I was so excited to see this in my inbox is because it could NOT be more timely. Yesterday, I started writing a post on "labels" myself--for a variety of reasons-- but in part driven by the fact I turned 66 last week and am railing against the labels that are foisted upon me as a person of a certain age (who, mind you, thinks of herself as 30)--but also, because of a post I saw entitled "Not Everyone Who Writes is a Writer"--the provocative nature of which got me thanking about "just who" gets to decide how we identify ourselves or if/why we are "denied" entry to an "aspirational class." Anyway--thanks for your newsletter AND many congratulations on this huge accomplishment! May you have every success.

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Thank you Diana. It is indeed a bottomless topic!

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Jun 12Liked by Laura Kennedy

Congratulations Laura. It’s great to see you get your first book completed. Can’t wait to read it.

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Thanks Mike!

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Ordered a physical copy. Excited to dig in. I struggle with societal labels and expectations. Sometimes "necessary", always complicated.

And thank you for this post. When I'm reminded of your journey and struggles and eventual bravery to make a bold move, I feel inspired and supported that it's more than ok to go and do what you really want. Thanks for connecting with us. Best wishes with the second book!

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Thank you Wendy that’s very kind.

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Jun 12Liked by Laura Kennedy

Well done, Laura.

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Thanks Hamish I appreciate it!

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Bravo. Looking forward to reading it.

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Jun 11Liked by Laura Kennedy

Congratulations Laura! 👏✨ Hoping I can preorder from my local bookshop. 📚

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Thank you Deanna!

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Jun 11Liked by Laura Kennedy

Congratulations Laura, a true inspiration!

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Awww. Congratulations Laura! What an amazing accomplishment. Going by everything you’ve described it sounds almost as painful and rewarding (hopefully??!) as birthing a baby. Wishing you the very very best!

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Thank you!

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Ordered. Congratulations Laura.

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Niamh! Thank you I so appreciate it!

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Jun 11Liked by Laura Kennedy

Very well done. It’ll be a fierce success of a book. I’ve ordered it and hope you’ll find time to read some, if not all of it to us or as an adjunct publication.

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Thanks so much John!

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Congratulations Laura!

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Congratulations!! Any word on hard copy availability in North American? Of course it still looks like we can get the Kindle version or have it shipped here, but was curious before I place the pre-order!

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Hi Jennifer. I would love that but for now it’s just available UK and Ireland from September. Most Peak Notions readers are in the US though so hopefully it will happen eventually! I’d be delighted if it did (any excuse to visit etc)

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